On the 22nd of March, 2021, Bible Society of the South Pacific launched a David Comic in the following dialects:
1. Tavuki, Kadavu.
2. Naitasiri
3. Bau
4. Lau-i-Cake
5. Maumi, Tailevu
6. Toga, Rewa
7. Wainimala
8. & Fiji Hindi
We were blessed to have Rev. James Bhagwan (Pacific Conference of Churches General Secretary) as our chief guest. The comic was launched at the Jovili Meo Mission Center at the Pacific Theological College and we had the translators and church leaders present to witness the auspicious occasion. Watch the Launch address by Rev James Bhagwan of the Pacific Conference of Churches.
Watch some of the pictures from the launch event that had all Bible Society Staff, Board Members, some of the translators of the David comic and some of the donors of the Fiji Mission.
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